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Your Voice: Mayor Bartlett, why are we being ignored?

Mayor Dewey Bartlett used duplicity to deceive North Tulsa citizens by attempting to form an African American Affairs Commission (AAAC) without including the very citizens who requested the creation of the Commission. In that request, the community asked that the AAAC would include organizational representation from institutions whose mission or purpose is to serve the African American community. These organizations are to be chosen by the community. 

The African American community is being ignored by the City of Tulsa Mayor’s Office. Currently, the Native American, Hispanic, and Status of Women Affairs commissions have all been in existence for over 90 years collectively. There has never been any representation for the African American community. Initial requests concerning the creation of an African American Affairs Commission began early in March of 2015 with the Human Rights Department. Requests for a meeting with the Human Rights Department were unanswered. 

On June 15, 2015, we reached out to the Mayor’s office concerning our request. On June 25, 2015, we were finally granted a meeting to take place on August 7, 2015. During this meeting Mayor Bartlett stated that, “The only way he would create an AAAC is with the understanding that it would ultimately be combined with the Native American and Hispanic Commissions into one ethnic commission. The Hispanic Affairs Commission was created 36 years ago and has operated independently. The Indian Affairs Commission was created 25 years ago and has operated independently. Now that an African American Affairs Commission has been requested all of the commissions will be combined…why is that? Requests to be at the table in the writing of the ordinance language creating the commission have been ignored. We have requested to see the draft language of the ordinance before it is sent to the City Council for a final vote, again this request has been ignored. The community leaders (myself, Representative Regina Goodwin, Mike Reed and Margaret Love) that have led this effort are being totally excluded from the process of creating this commission. These commissions serve the communities they represent, not elected officials. 

After two peaceful protests at City Hall and letters of recommendation in favor of creating an AAAC from the other commissions, we were unofficially informed that an AAAC will be created. However, Mayor Bartlett is attempting to create an AAAC without the input and involvement of the citizens who requested it. We are totally being left out of the process and we are not being allowed to serve on the commission.  All we want is to give the African American community a voice of action directly to City Hall and Tulsa County. We cannot have a healthy community if we are not at the table when decisions are being made concerning us. We are tired of being ignored!! The time for action is now. The African American community deserves it!

Unity is strength, division is weakness. ~ Swahili Proverb

    Vanessa Hall-Harper, Community Activist