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Art Gallery - June 1, 2016

Above: “The Way We Get By,” mixed media on panel, 16x20”, 2015
Below: “Jump Higher!” mixed media on panel, 24x24”, 2015

May Yang is a Tulsa-based artist, printer, and designer. You may view a selection of her pieces at Mainline Art Bar this month as a part of the ETA Collective show, "Interval.” See more of her work at mayyang.net


by Landry Harlan

I’m not a scientist:
I’m not qualified.
I don’t know
the science on that and
we do not comment. So
let the scientists
debate and figure
that out—but
we see conflicting
reports from around
the globe and it’s
very very cold out,
very unseasonable. 
It’s just nature itself and
the patterns that flow. 
It could just be a shift of
the axis—
I’m not sure.
I can’t say one
way or another.
I’m not a scientist.

Landry Harlan is an editor, writer, and regular contributor to The Tulsa Voice. You can find more of his poetry in This Land’s 2016 spring issue. He is not a scientist, and neither are the policy makers who he quoted to make his poem.