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Editor’s Letter – 7/3/18

This is my last issue at the helm of The Tulsa Voice, so I’m going to reminisce a little. It has been an absolute honor, pleasure, and immersive education to work here.

When I moved to Tulsa in December 2015, I had no idea what I might do for work. Six weeks later, as fate would have it, I landed a job at The Tulsa Voice as assistant editor. Tulsa was as new to me as moving to Denver or Kansas City might have been.

January 2016 began my crash course in the city’s history, culture, detractors, fans, streets (I maintain it is not all a simple grid!), conspiracies, local journalism, and more. My first piece for TTV was about arts education funding, and my most recent was an interview with a band I love, Calexico, before their show at Vanguard. In between, I wrote a series of artist profiles, various interviews, a drinking column (lovingly titled “Down the Hatch,” after my late grandmother’s favorite phrase), a dispatch from Standing Rock, and—now—30 editor’s letters.

Joining the Voice’s staff also rekindled my long love affair with alternative newspapers. I grew up reading the Oklahoma Gazette, OKC’s alt paper. When I was in high school, the Gazette affirmed my interests in local culture and commentary—and reassured me that there was a place outside of the regular daily for those with different interests, political leanings, and perspectives. Here, I found that place again.

Over the last two-and-a-half years, I’ve met countless individuals who contribute to Tulsa’s vibrancy and who challenge the city to be better, which is also part of the Voice’s mission. Many of those individuals are regular contributors our paper. Thank you for your excellent work.

Last week’s shooting at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis was a terrible reminder of the animosity and danger that journalists face in today’s social climate. I hope you’ll remember journalists aren’t your enemy—and that you’ll challenge that narrative when you hear it. We’re here to accurately report on and engage with the community. It’s something every journalist I know is proud to do—and a responsibility that none take lightly. It’s been my honor to work with journalists—and as one—here at the Voice. Thank you, readers and advertisers, for supporting us.

As the paper nears its fifth birthday (December 2018), I’m pleased to know incoming editor Jezy Gray, and recently-hired assistant editor Blayklee Buchanan, will carry TTV’s torch well. I can’t wait to pick up their issues and read!

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